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Archive for the ‘Garden Classes’ Category


Garden Classes – A Lot to Learn

I have been attending Master Gardener Classes for the last few weeks and have enjoyed meeting fellow gardeners while learning a lot of new information. Also, it turns out that gardeners bring really great snacks to share with their friends! In the last few classes we have covered: General Gardening Practices Plant Pathology (Diseases) Entomology […]

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Botanical-center building

Gardening Class Update

Master Gardener classes have been going very well. Our group has about 75 people and they come with a lot of practical gardening knowledge. Most of us love growing things and we just want to know more. It is a great way to meet others with similar interests and share tips while we learn from […]

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Boerner Botanical Gardens in Milwaukee demonstrating planting in swaths of color

Master Gardener Training

I have been accepted into the UW-Extension Master Gardener Program and will be starting classes shortly at the Boerner Botanical Gardens located in Milwaukee. It is a volunteer program that trains interested adults in university research-based horticultural concepts and practices so they can assist the UW-Extension in providing educational programs to the public on yard […]

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