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Garden Notes

Judd Vibernum shrub.web

Autumn Shrubs – A Great Bargain

We have a border of shrubs between us and our neighbors that is old and filled with buckthorn. This year our neighbor agreed to have his shrubs trimmed back and the buckthorn removed. As part of the pact, we offered to plant some new attractive shrubs. I hoped that I could still find suitable bushes […]

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Easy outdoor mouse trap

Easy Outdoor Mouse Trap

The Meadow Vole, or “Field Mouse,” is a small, common rodent that lives in grassy fields, woodland, marshes, and most importantly in our yards. I have a lot of trouble with mice. They eat my tulip bulbs, plant tubers, grasses, leaves, as well as bark on my newly planted trees and shrubs. They also make […]

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Old Fashioned Hollyhocks

I have always liked hollyhocks, but had not tried to grow them until recently. In visiting one of my sisters a few years ago, I noticed a hollyhock clump in her garden that was at least 7 feet tall with very dark maroon flowers (A. rosea ‘Nigra). I could just visualize those flowers in my […]

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Sweet-peas perennial

Perennial Sweet Pea Volunteer

In the pursuit of a garden that is attractive with flowers blooming from spring to fall, I have acquired more than one “volunteer plant” that turned out to be a keeper. If I find an unfamiliar plant, I usually wait until it blooms before deciding whether it deserves a spot in the garden. One year […]

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Karl Foerster Grass

I love the look of the various grasses and I especially like the way they add movement to the garden. Unfortunately, many grasses are too aggressive for the home garden and eventually they become weeds. Not so with Karl Foerster. It is a perennial clumping variety of grass that stays put and does not send […]

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large-lilac-tree on Mackinac Island

Giant French Lilacs

We went on vacation this year to Mackinac Island and like everyone else, we took the ferry. As we came off the boat and into the village, I noticed that the buildings were old but very well kept. Most of the businesses and many of the houses had flowers planted in their yards which only […]

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