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Garden Notes

fountains for garden

Garden Accessories on Sale!

I went to our local garden center today just to buy potting soil and wander through the greenhouse section of the store enjoying the greenery and smelling the flowers. January may seem like an odd time to be visiting a garden center, but it is actually a good time to look for garden accessories.  I […]

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Moonflowers in bloom

Moonflower (Datura)

I have grown Moonflowers (Datura) in my garden for a few years now. Datura is a woody-stalked, leafy herb that gets about 36 inches tall in my yard. It produces spiny seed pods and truly spectacular white trumpet shaped flowers that face upward. They bloom in July and continue into September in my yard and […]

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Bird-feeder with cone

Those Pesky Squirrels

Backyard bird feeder with bird seed and suet on metal rod using metal squirrel cone and WD40 to keep squirrels from reaching the food Garden Pests I am not a fan of squirrels. They dig up and eat spring bulbs and are forever planting trees in our yard. They raid our bird feeders and can […]

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Spider-plant in window

Living with houseplants

During the month of December we are all busy with holiday celebrations and the garden is far down on our list of winter activities. Probably the biggest gardening chore this time of year is caring for any houseplants while getting them ready to meet your guests. Now is a good time to clean foliage plants […]

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Holly-shrub with berries

Boy Holly Needed

A few years ago, my sister Mutsie used her gift money to buy an evergreen holly (Ilex) shrub for the yard. It was a beautiful little shrub covered in red berries. She read all the plant information and planted her holly exactly as directed. Her shrub settled into its new home and began to thrive. […]

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Electric fence

Electric Deer Fence

My sister Milly and her husband Jim live in a forested area on the shores of Lake Superior close to Ashland, Wisconsin. They are surrounded by a lot of trees and of course deer. Since I have a deer problem in my yard, I asked what she does to discourage the deer from raiding her […]

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