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Garden Notes

Laundry Day

Posted by Genie | August 22, 2016

Laundry.for webjpg

One of my favorite jobs in summer is to hang laundry out in the yard. We have a clothesline apparatus that is attached to the house and when I am ready to hang the wet clothes, I simply pull out the lines and attach the far end to the clothes pole. When finished, I reverse this procedure to keep the lines clean. It is so handy to have lines up only when I actually need them. The whole process reminds me of my childhood on the farm and of helping my mom except that her lines were left up year round and there was a lot more laundry.

There is just something about the sound of a breeze blowing through the laundry making the sheets billow out and dance in the wind. I usually work a bit in the yard, waiting for things to dry. It all makes for a pleasant day and I love the fresh smell of the clothes when I take them down. Then later at bedtime comes my favorite part – going to sleep on sheets that smell like sunshine.



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